Chapters: 54 Status: Ongoing Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manga, Manhua, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons Ratings: 4/5 Synopsis: Deep sunken cheeks, dirty skin which lost its original color, twig-like wrists, filthy fingernails and a much smaller body for her age. And with neglected hair hanging over half of her face, this small child is… Continue reading The Princess in the Dumpster
Day: 13 February 2022
Men of the Harem
Chapters: 62 Status: Ongoing Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhua, Manhwa Romance Ratings: 2/5 Synopsis: “Why should I only marry one man?” the female emperor declared. “During past generations, the emperor has had at least five concubines and an average of fifteen. Now that I’m Emperor, I should have at least five concubines, too. The son of… Continue reading Men of the Harem