I Became a Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother In Another Cultivation World

I Became a Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in Another Cultivation World 贤妻良母 xián qī liáng mǔ Author: 金元宝 jīn yuán bǎo 315 Chapters Ratings: 3/5/5 I was so intrigued by the idea of mpreg after reading Number One Zombie Wife that I decided to pick up another novel from the same author to read.… Continue reading I Became a Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother In Another Cultivation World

Silent Lover 哑 奴

Silent Lover 哑 奴 yǎ nú Author: 羌塘 qiāng táng Ratings: 3/5 241 Chapters +19 extras I wasn’t prepared to read this novel initially but later I found that there’s a manhwa so I was hooked onto the manhwa. Curious to find the ending, I binged read the Google translate and Chinese raw. Although it’s… Continue reading Silent Lover 哑 奴

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